A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1974

Chapter 1974


Nestling closer to him, Cecilia murmured, “Times have changed, Mark.

I’m not the young girl you remember.”

“But in my eyes, you’ll always be that same young girl.”

Emotion welled up in Cecilia.

“You need to think sensibly. I could have called my father and brother and you didn’t have to do this. Your health isn’t great.

What would happen to Edwin and Olivia if something befell you?”

Tears streamed down her face again.

Grasping her hand firmly, Mark finally voiced his thoughts, “Cecilia, I’m Edwin’s dad. The rain was torrential last night. If I hadn’t stepped in, who else would have? Your father’s advancing in age, and your brother has four children as well as Rena to look after.”

Cecilia looked on in shock.

Mark slowly turned to her, eyes filled with determination.

“Edwin is my son. It’s my duty to be there for him.”

Lost for words, Cecilia simply held Mark’s hand, allowing him the peace to rest his eyes.

The ward door creaked open slightly.

A young boy with a cooling patch still on his forehead peeked in hesitantly.

It was Edwin.


His worry evident, Edwin had persuaded his sitter to bring him to the hospital, fearing for Mark’s condition.

Overhearing Mark’s acknowledgment of their relationship, Edwin’s eyes shimmered with mixed emotions.

The servant motioned to let Edwin inside, but the boy shook his head, bolting away, only to collide with Peter.

Peter, taken aback, said, “You’re still ill. Why are you here at the hospital?”

Lips quivering, Edwin remained silent.

Having encountered many children, Peter intuitively sensed Edwin’s hesitance. Kneeling down to the boy’s level, Peter comforted, “Your great uncle is okay.”

“He’s my dad,” Edwin whispered, before darting away, the servant trailing behind.

Peter’s gaze lingered on the boy, reflecting on Edwin’s privileged lineage and the hardships he had faced, living humbly in a small rental space for years, where even a simple treat like milk tea was a luxury.

Returning to the ward, Peter found Mark restless.

